
Come and Take a Deeper Dive

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The Future of Retail Giving

Browse our blog, full of concrete advice and data about e-commerce donation solutions, giving technology, and cause marketing. And hear from our leaders on decentralized philanthropy, democratized philanthropy, forgotten charities, and next-generation shopping.

Read our blog >
Impact Investing

Invest Smarter with Sparo

Sparo empowers conscious investors with personalized strategies that align financial goals and positive social change. Help create a more sustainable future by investing with us today.

Invest with Impact >


Tune into Sparo Today as CEO Rob Sobhani explores the future of business and philanthropy and how customers will need to play an increasing part.

Listen to our podcast >


Find out the different ways we're working with companies, nonprofits, and governments-from developing our CSR/ESG solutions with Microsoft to exploring cryptocurrency for global giving with the ZamZam Token for Good to helping the country of Curaçao jumpstart its economy.

Read about our Microsoft partnership >

The Sparo CSR Whitepaper

Companies have long stepped up to help the world. What's different now is that doing the right thing is not an option; it's a business imperative. Anyone who wants to win in today's market, must weave responsibility into the entire fabric of their company and bring their customers into the mission.

Read >

Cause Marketing with Sparo

Your genuine reflection of interests shared with your customers can lead directly to reduced cart abandonment, return visits, and viral promotion.

Read >

About Us

In a nutshell, using shopping as a way to donate is a win for companies, customers, and the world.

How It Works

Check out the features of the Sparo CSR/ESG service to see how it can turn shopping on your site into a whole new customer bonding experience for good.

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Let us set you up and customize your Sparo platform so you can take it for a spin.